Food That Lies #1: Olives


Look at them. The lying toads.

SO. I like to eat many different foods. The list of foods that I do like to eat is vast and varied. There are however, some foods that I don’t like to eat. This list, when laid out, can be a bit surprising considering the things that I am willing to eat and enjoy.

Sensibly my main issue with nearly all of these foods is the taste. I don’t like the taste. This makes sense.

The other issue I have with some of these foods is that they looks SO TASTY AND APPETISING. So tasty. And yet they are not.

Basically, I don’t like food that looks like it should taste good.

First up? Olives. Now, I like olive oil. Olive oil is great. It’s nice to cook with. It’s nice to dip bread into and eat. It’s nice to drizzle over my vegetables or fish.

Olives though? EUGH. And yet? They look so good, round and shiny and perfect. Even the texture is good (and texture is important with food). I don’t even mind the smell.

However, when I bite into one and the flavour spreads across my tongue? MASSIVE FAIL. And I want to like them so badly.

Originally published at half girl, half robot. You can comment here or there.

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