Chapel Club @ Shepherd’s Bush Empire 18/10/11

Confession time. I only really know the one Chapel Club song – All The Eastern Girls. This will be important later on.

So – Elephant. Two guys and a girl. One of the guys had a fascinating jumper & Mr T-style gold chain combo going on, which was a tad distracting. The other guy… he kept disappearing. No idea why. The girl had an elephant pendant on a really long chain. Other than that, and that one of the songs had purring in it… I can’t remember their music at all. Sorry guys.

Other Lives on the other hand were amazing. Everyone in the band appeared to be a multi-instrumentalist. Their music is pretty epic (possibly in part to the breadth of variety of instruments available – kind of sweeping and layered and generally rockin’. I’d definitely see them again.

The main event of course was Chapel Club. I’ve already admitted that I only really know the one song (though I do own it on vinyl and took the trouble to record a mp3 of it for ease of listening), so it’s no surprise that I was a bit wary of the musical plan for the evening – there was a first set of entirely new music and a second set of old music. The new stuff was less guitary than the Chapel Club I’m used to, but ok. The old stuff (if music probably at most 2 years old can be called old) was pretty much what I was expecting. Chapel Club have a sort of warm languid sound – something like being tucked up in a warm bed on a cold day. I left after All The Eastern Girls, even though I think there was probably another song left at least…mostly because I was tired and wanted to buy Other Lives’ album.

All in all, it was pretty ok.

Originally published at half girl, half robot. You can comment here or there.

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Chapel Club @ Shepherd’s Bush Empire 18/10/11

Confession time. I only really know the one Chapel Club song – All The Eastern Girls. This will be important later on.

So – Elephant. Two guys and a girl. One of the guys had a fascinating jumper & Mr T-style gold chain combo going on, which was a tad distracting. The other guy… he kept disappearing. No idea why. The girl had an elephant pendant on a really long chain. Other than that, and that one of the songs had purring in it… I can’t remember their music at all. Sorry guys.

Other Lives on the other hand were amazing. Everyone in the band appeared to be a multi-instrumentalist. Their music is pretty epic (possibly in part to the breadth of variety of instruments available – kind of sweeping and layered and generally rockin’. I’d definitely see them again.

The main event of course was Chapel Club. I’ve already admitted that I only really know the one song (though I do own it on vinyl and took the trouble to record a mp3 of it for ease of listening), so it’s no surprise that I was a bit wary of the musical plan for the evening – there was a first set of entirely new music and a second set of old music. The new stuff was less guitary than the Chapel Club I’m used to, but ok. The old stuff (if music probably at most 2 years old can be called old) was pretty much what I was expecting. Chapel Club have a sort of warm languid sound – something like being tucked up in a warm bed on a cold day. I left after All The Eastern Girls, even though I think there was probably another song left at least…mostly because I was tired and wanted to buy Other Lives’ album.

All in all, it was pretty ok.

Originally published at half girl, half robot. You can comment here or there.

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Chapel Club @ Shepherd’s Bush Empire 18/10/11

Tue 18 Oct – Chapel Club, Other Lives, Elephant

Confession time. I only really know the one Chapel Club song – All The Eastern Girls. This will be important later on.

So – Elephant. Two guys and a girl. One of the guys had a fascinating jumper & Mr T-style gold chain combo going on, which was a tad distracting. The other guy… he kept disappearing. No idea why. The girl had an elephant pendant on a really long chain. Other than that, and that one of the songs had purring in it… I can’t remember their music at all. Sorry guys.

Other Lives on the other hand were amazing. Everyone in the band appeared to be a multi-instrumentalist. Their music is pretty epic (possibly in part to the breadth of variety of instruments available – kind of sweeping and layered and generally rockin’. I’d definitely see them again.

The main event of course was Chapel Club. I’ve already admitted that I only really know the one song (though I do own it on vinyl and took the trouble to record a mp3 of it for ease of listening), so it’s no surprise that I was a bit wary of the musical plan for the evening – there was a first set of entirely new music and a second set of old music. The new stuff was less guitary than the Chapel Club I’m used to, but ok. The old stuff (if music probably at most 2 years old can be called old) was pretty much what I was expecting. Chapel Club have a sort of warm languid sound – something like being tucked up in a warm bed on a cold day. I left after All The Eastern Girls, even though I think there was probably another song left at least…mostly because I was tired and wanted to buy Other Lives’ album.

All in all, it was pretty ok.

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Tweets for 2011-10-29

  • …if Robin had listened to them? Ok, Will Scarlett would be dead. And little Luke Scarlett. And Allan A Dale. But still! 00:00:41, 2011-10-29
  • I realise though, you kind of have to set Robin up as an outlaw right at the beginning and this is as good a way as any. 00:01:40, 2011-10-29
  • And this way Will, Luke and Allan don't die! This is also making me wonder about surnames in 12th century. 00:02:24, 2011-10-29
  • This priest dude is kind of rubbish at not looking shifty. 00:04:04, 2011-10-29
  • What's this slowtime, flashback thing? What's the point? Really? Is this to show Robin thinking? HE DOESN'T THINK, HE ACTS 00:05:06, 2011-10-29
  • I wonder why Guy isn't helping to fight Robin. The mulch joke is kind of funny though. 00:05:46, 2011-10-29
  • Marian is a total badass. Not sure how no one notices how her hairpin is sticking out of some guard. 00:06:22, 2011-10-29
  • Although this does kind of serves Guy's purpose – Robin being an outlaw, running off etc. 00:07:16, 2011-10-29
  • Will Scarlett's first words "I'm just getting some kindling." Also, I've watched too much American TV. Forgot eps were an hour long. 00:08:03, 2011-10-29
  • Oh wait. They're not. I was just expecting more from the outlaws holding up the newly minted outlaws before the stirring credit sequence. 00:09:00, 2011-10-29
  • All in all, a pretty good first episode. Although kind of a shame that it turned me against Robin as a character for the entire series. 00:09:34, 2011-10-29

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