Tweets for 2011-09-08

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Tweets for 2011-09-08

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Writer’s Block: Blast to the past

If you could travel back in time, what would you tell your 10-year-old self?

Submitted By [info]madamelafarge

View 2037 Answers

Ten year old me was a lot like twenty-seven year old me. Just shorter and about a third of the weight. At least, I don’t remember being too much different personality-wise – perhaps a little shyer, but that got dealt with through experience and hair dye.

I’d tell little me that that band I hear on the radio every once in a blue moon is Ben Folds Five and maybe hand over £15 to buy the album. I’d tell me that HELL YES albums get a lot cheaper when you get older (really they do, I remember spending £18 on a new album back in the day and now it’s about half that). I’d tell me that when you go to secondary school in just over a year’s time, that yes, you will ditch all your old friends, but that’s it ok and that it’s something you’ll do again (mostly) when you go to university and it doesn’t do you any harm. That’s just how it pans out and circumstance and distance and how you are, but that it’s fine.

I’d say not to be too concerned about the phase where you don’t believe in reality for a few months because of the improbability of it all.

I’d say don’t worry about not studying for your exams, just pay attention in class.

But mostly? I’d tell me to carry on as I am.

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