
Yesterday my moo cards arrived. They’re pretty cool 😀 Also, I watch Doctor Who, which had Will Scarlett from Robin Hood in it. And there was looking at food in shops and not buying any of it. And things and stuff and it looks like IBM has an island in Second Life with a maze and robots and stuff. I may program my own robot for it. Some time. 😀

I am sure there was something else, but I cannot remember so I shall make some stuff up about POTC.

Will leaves Elizabeth and declares his undying love for Captain Jack. They run off together into the sunset. Elizabeth becomes a ninja, the sworn enemy of pirates. The End.

Originally from her divine shadow on May 27, 2007, 3:50am


Yesterday I got a card in the post and my mum guess nearly everyone but the person who actually sent it, which was [info]krazycat! I wisely did not point out that the handwriting did not match any of the people she guessed and neither did the postmark. BUT YAAAAAAY for [info]krazycat!

Also yesterday we went to the Star Wars Exhibition in London which was cool – there’s a lot of stuff to see there and they have a “jedi school” thing. It is slightly surreal to see a stormtrooper striding down one of the hallways in County Hall, but perhaps no more surreal than Darth Vader battling Optimus Prime.

Originally from her divine shadow on May 13, 2007, 6:59am

you used to be my romeo

Randomly, one of the houses in my road was on fire today, though as only my dad was at home I have no idea why it was on fire.

Also, I have tickets for this Star Wars thing on Saturday! Yay!

There were other things, but I can’t remember them now. Somehow I am busy, but have no idea what I have been doing. Hm.

Originally from her divine shadow on May 9, 2007, 10:50am

we will miss Angus tonight, we will miss his sword


Pilfered from [info]static_nebulae 😀

Leave a comment and I’ll pick 3 of your interests and 3 of your userpics that I want to know the who, why and whatfor about.

This is what [info]static_nebulae asked me:


The acronym for Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. They make perfume oil with hugeass, flowery descriptions to go with the different scents. I like it, it makes me smell like cheesecake or apples or stuff and I use it in an oil burner too. It’s a bit like pokemon really. Gotta catch ’em all.

2. Helm’s Deep Throat and 3. Ulmo in Furs

These are both references to the sadly missed MESPT rpg that I had a bazillion cracktastic characters for. Helm’s Deep is a fortressy thing in Rohan mentioned in The Two Towers by Tolkien and Ulmo was like a demi-god being from The Silmarillion and Ulmo in Furs was like…a reference to Velvet Underground’s “Venus in Furs” as far as I remember. Only with Ulmo. And yeah. I think for a lot of it, you really had to be there and immersed in the whole thing to still find the stuff that pops up in [info]mespt_quotes funny. Ah. Nostalgia.


OTP = One True Pairing, a fandom term for like… your ultimate ship.
The icon shows Monica Bellucci’s boobs from the second or third Matrix film. Those two were kind of interchangeable. It is I think, in the top 3 of my icons featuring Ms Bellucci’s bosom.

I just liked this picture, even though I do not like red. I found it when I was looking for pictures to do with prayer for an Easter booklet thingy. Also, I remember visiting a place like the place you can see in the whole of the picture when I was little. Only it was a snake temple and when I went back recently, didn’t look the same as I remembered. Anyway. Yeah.

This is what Scully says to Mulder in a season 3 episode called “Pusher” which was about this guy who could make people do stuff that he wanted. Mulder says that he puts some kind of “whammy” on them and Scully, ever the sceptic says the quote from the icon. I really like the end of this episode with the Russian Roulette with Mulder and Scully and the bad guy. It roxx0rs. I’ve been on a huge X-Files kick for the last few months and only have season 9 to watch from the box set I got at Christmas.

Originally from her divine shadow on May 2, 2007, 1:22pm

what you need is what they’re selling

On Saturday I zooomed off to Walsingham and did stuffs there. And I don’t remember what I did yesterday or really what I did today so it can’t have been that important. My OU course has started so I’ve been reading The Taming of the Shrew and various other course texts and stuffs.

Also, I got a nice pay rise, which I wasn’t expecting.

Next weekend, hopefully, we’ll be going to that Star Wars Exhibition. Should really sort out the tickets for that at some point.

What did you do this weekend?

Originally from her divine shadow on May 7, 2007, 8:07am