Students Disscuss School of Computer Science Website (development)

the above link points to a topic on the devlopment version of the new department website. (may require membership to the cogs forum)
most students so far, seem to be objecting to the fact it is so heavily based on the main uni web site.

i think valid points include the fact that CS students rely on the CS website more than other departments. Also the new version looks nice (depending on your view of the new uni logo) but is not as functional removing most links from the front homepage. In Computer Science, unlike other departments, where students use webCT to study, students use the staff section (and througth it thier modules) to get lecture notes etc.

The new website seems to be designed to look good primerely for prospective students, and too keep with the corperate Uni image. Students do not seem to like it, however admittedly the feedback only represents a few students views. so far there has not been a single postive comment on the forum. However it is worth remembering that human beings are usually opposed to change.

I personally feel that the current website has all the links anyone would require, where as the new one (in its current form) puts graphical design before functionality. I appreicate the Uni may be putting pressure on CS, and indeed CS may want a new website to look ‘up to date’, but looking good (and i do not like the new uni logo etc.) is less important then it working for the people who use it most.

Ultimately the people who use it most are the student and staff and thier view is the most important. However the Uni (and therefore the department) cares most about new students and money througth investment. this can be seen througth the money invested in the new logo, and the fact the was adopted against the will of most students and staff. so whilst i think a design more along the old one would be better, if it is to an outside audience that the website is based, it is possible that the new one may be more jazzy and attract more investment (even if users perfer the old system)

Security company requires employees to get RFID implants

Interesting story about the first case (i am aware of) where a company has required all employees who access a secure area to get a verichip implant.

Its not good to think that some kind of personal data can be read off you by scanners where ever you walk. Especially when it would appear verichip tags could possibly be easily cloned with the right equipment If so this could be a bigger security hole than the old card systems used by the company in question. It is possibly a mistake by the company to rely for security purposes on such a new technology, especially as when questioned they where unaware of some of the security issues around the devices.

A would be ID thief would have to get within a foot of the subjects implant, due to the range of the chips. I personally think that some one who had thier mindset on such theft could easily do this, i often have people within such a range whether i am queueing at a petrol station or in a lecture.
Also with the constant moving of technology and security how many of these implants would an employee be expected to have over their working life. Every couple of years as one item becomes obsolete are they just going to demand employees get another implant, and how many of these things are people going to end up with in their bicep.

Intels Vision of an Intelligent Fridge as part of a house network

Article from 1998 about what the hitec home of last year (2005) would be like. intresting, and certainly all the technology is possible. leads me to wonder why it has not happened. perhaps people do not like to be overly reliant on technology. perhaps it is just no one has decided to develop it as a product.

From reading this it gives some user stories, important factors to consider is that any technology must not artificially limit what the user can do. I also think users want items on demand without a wait, or they may prefer to go without.

From my personal experience i will rarely use my laptop (even if i have it on me) for a quick piece of information as it takes so long to boot it up. However i will use my pda for such purposes even thougth it has a small screen and fiddly interface because it is quicker and therefore more practicle.

However it is clear we could go so far as to produce a complete network solution for every aspect of a users life. This is possible using current technology (althougth cost is a factor). However i feel that for the aspects of this project trying such i thing might be too wide rangeing.

Maybe the problem with the view of the then future, it requires at lot of investment in technology and different pieces of technology within that. maybe users are only prepared to buy if they see a definite benefit from one product, and they would want such a system to be proven before investing. Who would want to invest £1000’s in a network the’re not even sure they’d use.
let me know any comments on what you think – Al