The Current Plan

So, what do I have to do over the next few weeks?

  • Read books on spiders, aggregators, bots and intelligent agents
  • Practice making some small agents and bots and things
  • Start thinking about some kind of specification
  • Figure out what exactly I want my program to do

Not too complicated then. Well, on the surface at least.

In the meantime, time to decide what modules I want to take next year. 😀

Busy times!

Not been able to do much project-wise for a while, mainly due to exams. Now, however, I’m going to see if I can trackdown my supervisor (I may have to call Steve Irwin in to help) and chat about it. Or at least that’s what I was told to do before the exams. 🙂

Next week, I’m off to Malaysia for a few weeks and I’ll be taking my books with me to get a head start on the reading.